We listed this Healthcare Staffing business back in July and had a buyer signing closing documents within 75 days! Here is the original listing; For Sale: Medical Staffing billing in excess of $3M annually
BFP Staffing Inc. based in Chino, CA, has been sold to a Texas technical staffing company. Pablo Fonseca, principal Business Broker at 1-800-Biz-Broker represented both the Buyer and Seller. BFP Staffing Inc. had a long and successful history of providing temporary medical staff for the California Department of Corrections. The Seller decided to sell the business to focus more time with his family
How did we sell this business so fast?
- We helped the seller organize their financials and arrived at a reasonable valuation
- We created comprehensive seller’s opportunity package and a confidential marketing plan.
- Our proprietary outreach and marketing strategy was key to identifying several potential buyers resulting in a multiple-offer situation for our Seller
- Multiple offers = Highest Value for the Seller!
- Selected the best candidate and pushed through due diligence.
- Kept a back-up buyer interested and updated throughout the process….. just in case!
- Managed the attorneys while aligning their competing interests.
- We stayed on top of the process and kept to a strict timetable.
See the full press release here:
1-800-Biz-Broker Closes Million Dollar Staffing Agency in 75 days
Thinking about selling your business?
As a business owner, you need to have an exit plan. Will you transfer your business to family when you are ready to retire? Should you sell your business and cash out? When is the right time to consider selling your business and/or other options? How long will it take to sell your business? How much is your business worth? We are Business Brokers and his is what we deal with everyday, we can help. Contact us for a confidential business valuation and consultation.